Boomers membership renewals kick off!
With Basketball Australia’s recent announcement of the 2020/21 WNBL Season dates, we’re ramping up our new season’s Championship campaign here at the Boomers, kicking off with our first intake of membership renewals.
As of today, members from the 2019/20 Season have the opportunity to renew their membership package for the upcoming year.
With the instalment of Ticketek as our Membership platform last year, membership renewals are easier than ever! Plus, if you renew before July 31, you go in the draw to win a VIP Pre-Game Experience with Cayla George and Maddie Garrick!*
As members, your support is needed this year more than ever. Stay tuned for when Memberships will become available to the General Public.
Any queries regarding memberships can be sent to
*Competition T&Cs here.